Claus Eriksen, known from the Sea Trout Secrets, has tested the BasKette stripping basket for almost a year. He says:
“BasKette stripping basket is definitely the best line basket I’ve ever tried.”
“It always sits perfectly perpendicular and fixed to the body. It is never filled with water, either by deep wading or when I’m fishing in wave (what I love to do). BasKette stripping basket has really increased my radius through extra throw and far less mess up the line on the days where the weather shows its teeth.
BasKette stripping basket is slightly heavier than other curve, but it felt not at all when it is excited – because it sits so perfectly, without hanging and flopping.
BasKette is certainly the curve of the coast experienced fly fisherman who, like I will not miss a single fish because of gear or challenging weather. It is for him or her who already have a conventional stripping basket and experienced the limitations of such. BasKette stripping basket shaving off a sizable portion of the restrictions away.
There is no doubt that it has secured me several extra fish and far fewer line problems. I am very impressed and will not return to my old basket again.”
